Goodbye Democracy, Welcome ‘DEMOGARCHY’?

Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump
Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump


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As the clock winds down in the White House for Joe Biden, the 82-year-old outgoing President of the US, it was time to address the nation and say a final goodbye to “we, the people”. For the 46th American President enough is enough after being in National politics since age 29. Time to say farewell and move on.

That’s exactly what the battle-weary president did yesterday in the Oval Office. His throat was crystal clear as he laid bare his achievements over the four-year-tour of duty in the most celebrated Government House in the world.

According to Baba Biden, …the incoming administration is an unusual development in which power is going to be concentrated in the hands of a few extremely rich people who also hold sway in technology and industry. Share on X

Did you say his throat was crystal clear? How do you mean?

Yes, as clear as you can imagine at least in comparison to his croaky frog voice performance during the ill-fated Presidential debate with his bully opponent before Kamala Harris came to his rescue, as it were.

Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump
That is history now. This Wednesday, January 15, Biden did not suffer much from the old-man syndrome of intermittent “memory outage”. The mystical voice catcher, OLUGBOHUN did not seize or interfere with his “medula opologanta”. He cruised well in the orbit of memory and was able to recollect facts especially about climate change, AI, the menace of misinformation and disinformation on social media and wholesale assault on TRUTH and the gradual crumbling of the PRESS in a budding OLIGARCHY…

President Joe Biden

President Donald Trump

Yes, oligarchy! You heard me right. And Baba Biden did not mince words about a threatening trend towards an oligarchical structure in the American Democracy…

Pls, “gba brake small”. What is this talk about ‘oligaki’ and oligakiakia structure”? Can you come down to my level?

Don’t mind me, jare. According to Baba Biden in the address, he warned that, the incoming administration is an unusual development in which power is going to be concentrated in the hands of a few extremely rich people who also hold sway in technology and industry.


Meaning that under the guise of democracy it is actually the few super rich that are at the helm of affairs feathering their own nest to the disadvantage of the poor masses.

Still yet to grasp this your “oligaki and oligakiakia thing”.

(The) government of the rich by the rich for the rich. Share on X

Just wait for a refresher course. If you say DEMOCRACY is the government of the people by the people for the people, then take a look at OLIGARCHY, a government run by only a few but extremely wealthy people. So, you can equally have a nursery rhyme definition of OLIGARCHY as a government of the rich by the rich for the rich.

Ah! That must be DEMOGARCHY!!

Abi o. That’s the type of government in many a country loved and admired by the new “olori oko” about to inhabit the American version of our own Aso Rock. Politics is now cash and carry. Only the stupendously, not stupidly, super-rich are the controllers of the levers of power and which they wield to satisfy their selfish needs and motives to the detriment of the daily toiling talakawa. They prefer being accountable only to the bourgeoisie to which they belong rather than cater for the masses.

Right on point, sir. They are more authoritarian than utilitarian.

Don’t mind them. Majority of them had never gotten to really study politics to know that any government policy in a democratic setting is supposed to aim at bringing the greatest happiness to the greatest number.


That any government or policy that does not have UTILITARIAN value is a nonstarter. A DOA. Period!


Dead On Arrival.


It’s always the beginning of the end. Check the political history of the world. No evil lasts forever. Eewo! Taboo! Tabunde! The harder they come, the harder they fall.


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Written by Dele Omotunde

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